SERMON TOPIC:  EPHPHATHA: THE MYSTERY OF OPEN DOORS by Apostle Joshua Selman 2023 Messages MP3 Download


Sermon Excerpt:

Doors are authorized access systems that control motion and movement. Doors can also represent impediments, limitations, and restrictions. Doors can be opened and closed. Doors can be situations, human beings, or spirits. By default, all doors are closed.

To manage or restrict access, doors are closed until permission is granted. Closed or sealed doors add value to a product. Doors, especially when closed, generally maintain the ability to protect and preserve. Closed doors can be purposefully erected impediments to progress. Doors are authorized access systems that control motion and movement. Doors can also represent impediments, limitations, and restrictions. Doors can be opened and closed. Doors can be situations, human beings, or spirits. By default, all doors are closed.

Four (4) Words of Encouragement and Charge to the Body of Christ for the Year 2023:

1. Make a decision to love Jesus Christ this year like never before.
There is a realm beyond the realm of prayer and fasting: it is the realm of being passionate about Jesus and serving Him in truth (1 Corinthians 2:9).

2. You must be committed, like never before, to Prayer, Word, and Fellowship
(Prayer: Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 5:13, Mark 11:24, Word: Acts 6:4, 20:32, John 1:3, Fellowship: Psalm 133:1, Acts 2:42-43).
There are some dimensions of the Spirit that you cannot touch by your personal time alone; be committed to corporate fellowship.

3. You must be determined to make notable progress in and with your life.
Refrain from marking time and insist that there must be constructive progress in your life.
(Exodus 14:14-15, Proverbs 4:18). Just because there is motion, don’t mean advancement.

4. You must make up your mind this year, that your life will be a blessing.
(Genesis 12:1-3, Daniel 12:3) Galatians 4:1, Leviticus 9:6,.